At his 3-year checkup in April, the doctor told me that our “project” for the summer was to teach Lego to pedal a tricycle. I’ve been trying, but he hasn’t really gotten it. I even bought him a little 12-inch bike at a garage sale for $5, but he mostly likes to push it around and maybe sit on it for a minute or two before climbing down. A few days ago, he was just messing around on the upstairs neighbors’ big wheel and figured out pedaling all by himself. He was so proud!
The next day, I bought him a helmet (which he requested, actually) and Jon Boy fixed up his bike (put a new tube in the back tire and lowered the seat). He tried riding it for the first time, and while he was stopping and going a lot, he had a great time. Now we go on daily bike rides. A few nights ago, I heard him say, “This feels SO good!” 🙂
Yay, Lego!
Lego’s great. 🙂
He will never slow down now. Liam can I go on a bike ride with you when we visit again.