Kids Balloona BrinestoneOctober 28, 2009April 3, 2010 Yesterday, the boys got free helium balloons at a craft store. When we got home,Continue reading
Kids My crazy little boy BrinestoneOctober 11, 2009April 3, 2010 At around 2:30 a.m., Duplo woke up crying loudly. I waited a minute or twoContinue reading
Kids “Controlled” chaos BrinestoneOctober 7, 2009April 3, 2010 Parents of young children speak of how their homes are constantly in a state ofContinue reading
Kids Totally bragging BrinestoneAugust 29, 2009April 3, 2010 When Lego uses the bathroom, he does the following routine: 1. Turns on the lightContinue reading
Kids Eyes, ears, bite, and beep BrinestoneJuly 31, 2009April 3, 2010 Duplo will point to his eye if you say, “eye,” his mouth if you say,Continue reading