Uncategorized Duplo Day 2: Lego’s Shadow BrinestoneMay 3, 2010 In the last month or so, Duplo has started mimicking a lot of the thingsContinue reading
Uncategorized Duplo Day 1: Learning colors BrinestoneMay 3, 2010 Duplo is learning his colors, kind of. He knows all the color names, purple andContinue reading
Uncategorized A month of Duplo BrinestoneMay 3, 2010 Just before Lego turned two, I blogged every day for a month about him. IContinue reading
Uncategorized Waiting for life to start BrinestoneApril 14, 2010April 14, 2010 When you’re little, you know how your life is going to go. You’ll grow up,Continue reading
Uncategorized International Day: Week 2 (South Korea) BrinestoneNovember 15, 2009November 15, 2009 I just realized I never blogged about this. I made bi bim bop, which mostContinue reading