Uncategorized Momma and Boppa BrinestoneSeptember 3, 2007 My parents came out to bring my brother to college on Wednesday. They spent theContinue reading
Uncategorized Cleanup and organization BrinestoneAugust 19, 2007August 19, 2007 Until a few days ago, my kitchen was a clutter magnet. Since we’d moved, IContinue reading
Uncategorized Night visitor BrinestoneAugust 8, 2007 At 3:00 a.m. last night, our doorbell rang. I got up to go to theContinue reading
Uncategorized Learning to talk BrinestoneAugust 3, 2007 Lego now can say a whole bunch of words. I haven’t even counted them forContinue reading
Uncategorized Proof BrinestoneAugust 3, 2007 This morning, Lego woke up about ten minutes before Jon Boy’s alarm went off. WeContinue reading