Uncategorized Nesting BrinestoneFebruary 26, 2006 We went to Target yesterday and got a package of onesies, a package of babyContinue reading
Uncategorized What a nightmare! BrinestoneFebruary 22, 2006 Two nights ago, a nightmare woke me up. Now, it’s not all that surprising thatContinue reading
Uncategorized The seven dweebs BrinestoneFebruary 13, 2006February 13, 2006 Once, when I was about fifteen, my family was gathered around the kitchen table eatingContinue reading
Uncategorized Exercise BrinestoneFebruary 7, 2006 Why is it that I almost never use the exercise room that’s in the buildingContinue reading
Uncategorized Being decisive BrinestoneFebruary 7, 2006 I love making up my mind. It’s the most liberating feeling in the world toContinue reading