Book Reviews, Contemporary, Humor, Middle Grade, Science Fiction

Review: Sal and Gabi Break the Universe

3 stars (I liked it).

This one confused the heck out of me. Honestly. I knew what was happening, but so much of my reaction to it was, “That’s so random! Why?” I think that’s a good sign I’m too old for it. That said, the voice was fun, and I liked the scienceyness of it.

And something kinda interesting happened while I was reading it. I listened to the first part, maybe the first half, and then my audiobook was returned to the library before I could finish it (this happened a lot in 2020 because I have kids around talking to me a lot, so finding time to listen uninterrupted is hard). Anyway, the main character has type 1 diabetes, which I thought was interesting but didn’t think much more about . . . until my son was diagnosed in July. I think I read the first half of Sal and Gabby in June, and then I put it back on hold and finished it in August. By then, the type 1 stuff felt a lot closer to home, and I really liked that aspect.

The ending was sweet and just right, so while I could have done with the randomness-for-humor’s-sake meter toned down a bit, the story worked. This book also features a Spanish/English bilingual main character, so there’s some Spanish sprinkled throughout, which was neat. I think my 12yo diabetic son would love this book, but I can’t convince him to try it. *shrug*

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